Celebrate Zimbabwe’s endangered large carnivores
Write the lyrics for a song and have the chance of winning $500, and of the song being performed at the 2012 Bulawayo Music Festival.
The song should consist of seven verses, each of eight lines. The first verse should be an introduction, followed by a verse about each of the large carnivores – Lion, Spotted Hyena, Leopard, Cheetah and Wild Dog – and then a concluding verse.
Brief information about the animals is available from www.cheetahandwilddog.org/carnivoresong.
The song should reflect the life, the beauty and the endangered nature of each carnivore. It should emphasise that each species is an important part of our heritage and each is important to biodiversity, and that the bush would be empty without them. However, the song should end on a positive note – we can make a difference.
The aim of the project is to inspire young people, especially those in their early teens, to care about the future of Zimbabwe’s wildlife and be proud of their heritage.
Consideration will be given to the winning entry being put to music and performed at the 2012 Bulawayo Music Festival.
- Entries must be written in English
- Only one entry per person
- All work must be original
- The competition is open to all Zimbabwe citizens and residents
- We reserve the right to use entries for publication or promotional purposes
- Entries must be submitted by Thursday September 1 to: The Song of the Carnivores, The Zimbabwe Academy of Music, Box FM 640, Famona, Bulawayo. Entries can be posted or hand delivered.
- Please make sure that you provide your name and contact details including postal address, telephone number(s) and email address
- Late entries will not be accepted
- Entries must be typed
- Only hard copies will be accepted. Email entries will not be considered
- Entries will not be returned (so keep a copy)
- Only the winner will receive direct notification of the result
The winner will receive a prize of $500.
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